Features Don't Make a Product Great
Hey, PMs I've got news for you. Features don't make your product great.
Hey, PMs I've got news for you.
Features don't make your product great.
It's easy to get caught up in a feature frenzy. But adding more features doesn't always equal a better product.
It's about the right features. (insert nod.gif here)
Here's how I PM with a 'less is more' philosophy...
✨ Solve Real Problems
I always start with the problem, not the solution. What pain point are we addressing?
If it's not a 'hell yes', it's a 'no'.
The best features feel like a relief, not an addition.
✨ Listen to Silence
Users won't always tell you what they need. Sometimes, their silence speaks volumes.
I observe, interpret, and anticipate.
The next big thing might be hidden in what they're not saying.
✨ Embrace the Art of Subtraction
Every now and then, I take a step back and ask, 'What can we remove?'
Sometimes, the most impactful move is to strip away the noise.
Product management is not about building more; it's about building right.
It's an exercise in restraint and clarity.